Thursday 8 September 2016

Sihle's Jeopardy Game

A lot has happened since the death of King Ngubane. His son got married, his widow finally found happiness and everybody in the royal lodge is happy – well almost everybody.

Off late a lot of people have been looking for Nkabinde, including the reigning Queen. The Ngwenya’s searched high and low to track down Nkabinde and now that they have found him Sihle wants a piece of him too. Sihle has got tragic plans for Qondi whom she is very jealous of. The problem is Nkabinde cannot be trusted and also the people that introduced him to her cannot be trusted either.
Remember how Nkabinde used Ngubane to try and settle his score with the Zungus?

That ended with Ngubane being the one that lost his life and Nkabinde went to on to get a fresh cut and a fancy car for himself in the big city. First of all Qondi is a child of the Zungus and the Zungus have got Mehlo’emamba on their side the only guy that knows Nkabinde’s tricks, now we can’t help but wonder if this is who Sihle really wants to mess with. We know for sure whatever is going to go down is going to backfire and setback Sihle into the commoner she once was and Qondi might walk out of this battle unscathed, she has dealt with Nkabinde before. We feel very afraid for Sihle

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