Monday 26 September 2016

MaXhosa By Laduma

Image result for laduma ngxokolo
In the mention of fashion here in South Africa we tend to think about the big names that can design anything from a retro ball gown to an eye peeling tux, we think of people like David Tlale, Gert Coetzee and Paledi Segapo. It’s about time to think fresh and think original and when you have, think Laduma Ngxokolo. As umXhosa I feel so proud right now.

Laduma Ngxokolo is the man who is changing the face of African fashion not only here at home but all over the world as well. Laduma prides himself in his Xhosa heritage by an infusion of the Xhosa culture into his designs. On his website it says he established his AmaXhosa By Laduma collection to appreciate and showcase the beauty of his culture (our culture). This concept has won Laduma many accolades besides having taken it across the world he won the 2015 Vogue Italia Scouting For Africa prize where he got the chance to showcase his collection in Milan and recently he won the 2016 Design Indaba Most Beautiful Object in South Africa for his gracious shawl trenched in pride which is the Xhosa prints. In 2014 Laduma was also afforded the opportunity to study at Central St. Martins in London, the very same institute that schooled designers such as Alexandra McQueen and John Galliano.
Image result for laduma ngxokolo

Here at Sel&EL we are not big on fashion but a man’s gotta look good on a day to day basis to represent his stature in society and having been ikrwala Laduma’s work instantaneously resonated with me when I stumbled upon it. At most times we are so clouded with what the rest of the world is doing that we forget the beauty of our cultures and there’s so many in South Africa. With Laduma’s collection it became clear that it is possible to be fashion forward while taking pride in the fundamentals of who you are. Make sure to check out the heart-warming work of Laduma that brings hella’ nostalgia to some of us on

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