Monday 6 June 2016

News-ish A Bore-ish

So Friday I cleared my schedule just so I could get home on time to catch the new MTV Base show called News-ish which is a roundtable discussion of what the elites of the South African entertainment industry have been getting up to.

The one thing that instilled hype in me about of this show was the presence of Moshe Ndiki and Fareida Metsileng who are YouTube superstars and are super hilarious. Moshe is the guy that post videos of his encounters with his male romantic partners and some of his family, Farieda is the chick who curved instant fame from the Weh Deh Guareezy video
Image result for moshe ndiki  
The show is a great  concept from MTV Base but it fell flat Friday and did not live up to its hype, the show had all the potential in the world to be a success simply because in SA we don’t have a roundtable discussion show on celebville happenings. We simply have update shows like the 30 minute long V-Entertainment on and BET’s BET Buzz which are not enough. As fans we are in hunger of other people’s opinions on what’s happening so for instance we can decide if we’re #TeamBonang or #TeamZinhle or #TeamSuperMega. The genius part of this show is that they at least cast the funny Moshe and Farieda. on her side Farieda was killing it to the point where I believed she could actually handle the show all alone but we would’ve been much happier if she was a little closer to the head of the table as the most shots fired were by her. Moshe also held his own but we think the dis-coordination of the show threw him off a little bit.

What if we told you that the show actually has 6 cast members and yet we only spoke of 2????

That’s how forgettable they were, we don’t know who the 2 guys were and we don’t know who the chick that sat at the head of the table is but she’s a good host and Nina Hastie was rather placed in an unfortunate position cause we know she can be super funny. Our advice to MTV Base would be to keep the head of the table, move Farieda and Moshe up so they can receive as much screen time and sadly get rid of the two gents. That right there is a recipe for a bomb ass show 

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