Saturday 23 January 2016

The Power of the Queen B

Wondering why Bonang is on everybody's lips once again? No its not another ferbing saga or anything of that sort its probably because of how powerful she is. Bonang Matheba is SA's it girl who does a bit of everything in the entertainment industry and is also mostly known for her fashionable self(and maybe also because of the AKA and Zintle saga) Well Bonang became a different sort of hero today after South Africans were touched by a story shared by a woman on her Metro FM show. The show has a segment called #AskAMan where blazing questions from listeners are directed at her two male co-hosts. Today a woman shared a sad story of how her man left her for her friend while they are preparing for their son's burial. The woman shared that her man and the friend have been shagging for 2 years and now the friend is pregnant, the man is alleged to have said he spent the money for the burial with the friend. The show starting trending on twitter with listeners sharing their sympathies and some lashing out to the man and the friend. Apparently Ubuntu is still around though as one of the branch managers from Avbob has offered to see through the whole funeral. So there Queen B saves the day(that's a sad story by the way)

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