Wednesday 13 January 2016

SA Idols Judge Gets Fired!!

A judge has been released from the SA idols judging panel.

Is it to flame to the 12th edition of the show or has someone got their fingers burnt by the flames? On Friday 8th if Jan Mzansi magic announced that former 5fm DJ and now owner of Cliff Central who joined the panel in the 2nd season of the show will no longer be the fourth judge at panel Rumor has it, it must have been the tweet he posted in which he states that "People do not understand free speech at all" during the Penny Sparrow saga(Damn you Penny) The post received a lot of attention from the show's fans with some even threatening to boycott the show M-net hasn't yet elaborated on their decision to release Mr Cliff from the show but have thanked him for his contribution to finding new talent Will there be a replace?? That's the hot question right now but the million dollar question is who will be warming Mr Cliff's seat. Whatever the producers decide I have a few suggestions of my own The most predictable choice would be the very talented singer/Composer/vocalist and also the show's Music Director, RJ Benjamin. RJ Benjamin as been working with the idols contestants for some time now and we'd think he knows exactly what sort of talent the show is looking for My other suggestion is the young, beautiful, colorful and vibrant Chiano Sky who broke into the industry in 2012 with smash hits like "Walking Away" and "Sick Sick". Reason why I'm suggesting Chiano Sky is because of the market she targets and the type of artist she represents, I think she has the skills to finally find us our first female winner since Sasha-lee Davids Lira would've been a great edition to the panel but thanks to Idols for being blind sighted, the new kid on our screens The Voice SA has already snatched the beauty. Let's not be predictable and think that they will put in a fourth judge since there were four judges. It is also possible that they are satisfied with their 3 judge panel however what would be exciting to the show would be keeping the 3 judge panel and have guest judges during auditions and "theatre week"

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